Dr. Sadik Kodakat
Chairman’s Message
It is a blessing that we are able to open our fifth Starcare project in my hometown of Kozhikode. A city with a rich heritage and history, where one can still meet people with real goodness in them. Starcare is eager to be part of this history and its future, upholding its core value of goodness.
Kozhikode does have hospitals with good quality staff and equipments, but, Starcare wishes to take the next step in healthcare by focussing on accountable, verifiable, transparent care processes and nurture mutual trust between patients and carers. All in a pleasant and spacious ambience without having to pay any premium for it.
By being patients’ advocates, we hope to find ways to reduce the mind numbing waiting times that Hospitals are infamous for. We hope to empower patients by giving them direct access to their medical records through a dedicated patient portal accessible anywhere from the world. Together, let us try and remove the ‘pain points’ in Hospitals, one by one.
Science has a lot more to offer to improve our quality of life and happiness than we currently have access to. Starcare is our humble effort in this continuing journey to make everyone’s life, a little more better than what it is now.
Dr. Abdulla Cherayakkat
Director’s Message
Starcare Hospitals are run by a group of committed persons, who believe in quality, integrity, customer delight and employee satisfaction. Even though there are hospitals already existing or coming up in Calicut, we wish to be different in a few aspects. Efficient, experienced and motivated doctors and nurses with the state of art equipments ensure better final outcome.
The basic goodness and repeated training for improvement for all concerned will help in better health care delivery system. We welcome your valuable suggestions and healthy criticisms especially for our continuous quality improvement initiative.