Starcare Hospital marks a star in medical history

Home / Starcare Hospital marks a star in medical history
Nov 18, 2017

Starcare Hospital marks a star in medical history

Calicut : Starcare hospital marks a remarkable milestone in medical history. By removing 191 tumors from an Oman lady’s uterus Starcare hospital has been widely acknowledged the world over . Respecting the wish of the lady to be a mother again, the doctors have done the surgery retaining her uterus and ovaries. The surgery which was a combination of key hole and conventional styles took four hours to complete. Senior consultant Dr Abdul Rasheed who headed the team dedicated the success to the endless possibilities of medical science, dedicated involvement from the team and unlimited blessings from the Almighty. In India the previous record was the removal of 84 tumors. During last December 186 tumors were removed through surgery in Egypt and this is now in the Guinness book of records as the maximum number of fibroids removed . With this achievement surpassing the world record , Starcare hospital has approached the Guinness authorities and it is understood that this is being considered favorably .