The Department of Anaesthesiology provides anaesthesia services to all surgical specialties including General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Otolaryngology, Maxillofacial Surgery, Paediatric, Plastic and Neurosurgery. Our skillful team of anesthetists is capable of managing acute emergencies and are also trained to perform USG guided nerve blocks for acute pain relief. The Department of Anesthesia provides evidence-based support for surgery, critical care and pain management for multiple departments functioning within the hospital. We are equipped with sophisticated state-of-the-art operation theaters comfortable to manage the perioperative scenario for all age groups extending from new borns to old age categories. With the support of well-trained critical care nurses, we have formed a tertiary level post anesthesia care unit and the other associated critical care facilities. We guarantee a safe and secure environment for all the people needing to visit our operation theaters and critical care departments.
- Neonatal Infants and Paediatric ages
- Cardiac catheterizationsation lab
- CT and MRI suites
- Endoscopy and urology procedures