Dr. John E. V


Dr. John E. V

Head - Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery (Unit 1)

Dr John E. V is a senior Cardiothoracic surgeon with more than 20 yrs of experience. He has performed more than 8000 major procedures with outstanding results. More than 99% of bypass operations are performed on beating heart (off pump CABG). Mitral valve repairs, Tissue valve replacements and Minimally invasive (Key hole) cardiac surgeries are some of his key areas of interest. He is one of the very few experts in Aortic Surgery in Kerala, with expertise in open, endovascular and Hybrid aortic procedures.

He has many achievements to his credit

  • First single stage Aortic arch repair+CABG+LV aneurysm repair in a post trauma patient (first in medical literature)
  • First awake valve replacement in Kerala
  • First series of Minimally Invasive CABG in Kerala in 2008-09
  • First series of successful repair of Aorto-enteric fistulae in Kerala

Dr. John graduated from the famous St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore in 1986. He pursued post graduate studies in General Surgery at N.H.L. Medical College and V.S. Hospital, Ahmedabad under Gujarat University and was conferred M.S. in 1997. He was selected for advanced training in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the prestigious K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai under Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai University. He successfully completed DNB (Diplomat of National Board) in Cardiothoracic Surgery from the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi in 1999. He was conferred the M.Ch degree from Mumbai University in 2000. He is also a Fellow of Indian Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons.

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