Just as we have responsibilities to you as a patient, you have responsibilities to your hospital and health care providers.
- Patient has the responsibility to actively participate in decisions regarding their health care to the degree that you choose and to reasonably follow your provider’s health care instructions.
- Patient has the responsibility to inform their health care provider of information related to past illness, treatment and medications.
- Patient has the responsibility to respect the rights and property of health care professionals, employees and other patients.
- Patient has the responsibility to make and promptly keep all scheduled appointments. To assure that all patients are served in a timely manner, patients are responsible for calling and changing appointments 24 hours in advance.
- Patient has the responsibility to pay for services at the time service is provided and to provide the patient registration office with accurate, complete, and current information pertaining to insurance coverage, home address, telephone number and other relevant details.
- Patient has the responsibility to discuss their health care problems, concerns and personal needs with their provider in an honest manner and to inform the health care provider of any changes occurring in their health.
- Patient has the responsibility to cooperate with various providers involved in their care and to conduct themselves in a polite and respectful manner.Patient has the responsibility to inform provider if they cannot or will not follow certain treatment plan.
- Patient has the responsibility to respect the rights of their health care provider and to exchange information in a non-abusive manner either physically or verbally while receiving care.
- Patient has the responsibility to advise their provider of all changes in decisions concerning advance directives and/or persons designated by them to make health care decisions.
- To understand how to continue your care after you leave the hospital, including when and where to get further treatment and what you need to do at home to help with your treatment.
- To accept the consequences of your own decisions and actions, if you choose to refuse treatment or not to comply with the care, treatment, and service plan given by your health care provider.