Renai Medicity protects patient and family rights.

  • Patient and family rights support individual beliefs, values and involve the patient and family in decision making processes.
  • The patient and/or family members are educated to make informed decisions and are involved in the care-planning and delivery process.
  • A documented procedure for obtaining patient and/or family’s consent exists for informed decision making about their care.
  • Patient and families have the right to information and education about their healthcare needs.
  • Renai Medicity has a complaint redressal procedure.
  • Renai Medicity leaders protect patient and family rights. Staff is aware of their responsibility in protecting patient and family rights. Training and sensitisation programs are conducted to create awareness among the staff.
  • Violation of patient and family rights are recorded, reviewed and corrective/ preventive measures taken.
  • Patients and family rights include respecting any special preferences, spiritual and cultural needs. This could include dietary preferences and worship requirements.
  • Patient and family rights include respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedure and treatment. During all stages of patient care, be it in examination or carrying out a procedure, hospital staff shall ensure that patient’s privacy and dignity is maintained. During procedures, hospital shall ensure that the patient is exposed just before the actual procedure is undertaken. With regards to photographs/recording procedures, the organization shall ensure that an explicit consent is taken and that the patient’s identity is not revealed.
  • Patient and family rights include protection from physical abuse or neglect.
  • Patient and family rights include treating patient information as confidential. Staff shall avoid having patient-related discussions in public places. Confidential information including HIV status shall not be revealed without patient’s permission. It shall not be written/ pasted on the cover of the medical record.
  • Patient and family rights include refusal of treatment. During management, the patients will be given the choice of treatment. The treating doctor shall discuss all the available options and allow the patient to make an informed choice including the option of refusal. In case of refusal, the treating doctor shall explain the consequences of refusal of treatment and document the same.
  • Patient and family rights include informed consent before transfusion of blood and blood products, anaesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol and any other invasive/ high risk procedure / treatment.Patient and family rights include to complain and information on how to voice a complaint.
  • Patient and family rights include information on the expected cost of the treatment.
  • Patient and family rights include access to his/ her clinical records. The organisation shall ensure that every patient has access to his/her record. This shall be in consonance with the code of medical ethics and statutory requirements.
  • Patient and family rights include information on plan of care, progress and information on their health care needs.

Operation Theatres

Our fourth generation Operation theatres are at par with the bests in the world.


There are more than 120 ICU beds for various surgical and medical specialties.

Health & Lifestyle

The fast pace of modern life leaves little time to keep a check on health.

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