This clinic aims to diagnose and treat patients with neurological disorders having abnormal body movements which are either hypokinetic or hyperkinetic. Parkinsons Disease (PD) is the most common movement disorder seen in the clinic. The symptoms of Parkinsons can overlap with other neurological diseases which shares similar symptoms as PD. These are PD Plus syndromes, Secondary Parkinsonism and other heredodegenerative diseases with Parkinsonism.

Careful history taking and relevant imaging techniques help us to differentiate between these diagnoses.

It is a multidisciplinary clinic including departments of psychiatry, clinical psychology, physiotherapy etc. In the clinic we also identify patients who are ideal for procedures like Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), lesionectomy etc. and subject them for further workup. DBS programming is also done in the clinic. Patients with advanced PD benefit from this clinic. Botulinum toxin therapy for various indications like blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, post stroke spasticity, cervical dystonia, sialorrhea, other focal dystonias etc. are injected in the movement disorder clinic.

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